Warm weather has finally arrived in the Flathead Valley. As everyone looks forward to being outdoors more this could be a wonderful time to add a walk in the prayer labyrinth to your plans.
What is a prayer labyrinth?
A prayer labyrinth is a labyrinth used to facilitate prayer, meditation, and spiritual transformation. Around the world the circle winding back and forth is used as a way to slow down the body and focus on prayer while also still moving. Children enjoy running the zigzag until they reach the center and back again. Adults tend to be a little slower about it. It is not a maze with dead ends and misleading turns. All the turns will lead you to the center.
How to use the prayer labyrinth?
The ways a prayer labyrinth can be used are as varied as the users themselves. The labyrinth here at Christ Church Episcopal is tucked between the parish house and the Godly Play building. You can walk in it without fear of watching eyes.
There are a lot of prayers your could use on your walk. You can use formal prayers, such as Our Father, or says your own prayers. You could recite a Scripture passage or sing to yourself. Walking in silence is also an option. Entering the labyrinth with the desire to draw closer God is a good intention to set.
If you are running errands midweek, maybe plan a little extra time to stop by and pray.
Some Further Resources
There is a lot of information available about the history and purpose of a prayer labyrinth. The history of prayer labyrinths might pique your interest. This how-to guide gives you grace to feel whatever you need to feel.
Consider using the collect for guidance from the Book of Common Prayer:
Heavenly Father, in you we live and move and have our
being: We humbly pray you so to guide and govern us by
your Holy Spirit, that in all the cares and occupations of our
life we may not forget you, but may remember that we are
ever walking in your sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord.